E&S Environmental - Providing Regional and National Environmental Research and Assessment

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E&S research focused on biodiversity at Hubbard Brook Experimental Forest in NH, Shenandoah NP in VA, and Great Smoky Mountains NP in TN has been published in the journal Environmental Pollution. Two model chains, VSD+PROPS and ForSAFE-Veg, were used to evaluate effects of future climatic and atmospheric nitrogen deposition conditions on understory vegetation and to …

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  E&S recently completed another year of water quality monitoring on the Klamath River system in Oregon and California to track changes in cynobacteria, nutrients, and other water quality parameters. Samples are collected bi-monthly to monthly from multiple river and reservoir locations.

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CRC Press released a new book by E&S president, Timothy Sullivan, on “Air Pollution and it’s Impacts on U.S. National Parks”. The book represents the culmination of many years of research conducted by E&S for the National Park Service.

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