E&S offers a wide range of services in GIS analysis, spatial database construction and management, custom mapping, interactive web mapping, GIS training, system installation, and quality assurance/quality control. Most of our assessment and modeling efforts include GIS & Technical Applications. We work with a variety of environmental data layers that are regional to global in scale and involve conditions of air, soil, water, and biota and the effects of human activities on natural ecosystems. See some of our GIS & database-related projects.
GIS Applications
E&S has considerable experience with GIS-based resource modeling, and has used GIS and image processing for water quality, air quality, watershed analysis, and other natural resource applications. We have used GIS to link historical water quality to changing land use practices within watersheds, to extrapolate base cation weathering estimated using a dynamic watershed model to the regional landscape, to analyze the effects of acid rain and atmospheric contaminants, and to evaluate historical trends. Our GIS services include:
- Watershed modeling
- Pollutant exposure analyses
- Mathematical modeling
- Land use
- Watershed planning
- Data retrieval and compilation for simple or complex area-based analyses
Database Development
E&S Environmental offers services in all aspects of environmental assessment, including database design and development, data quality evaluation, database management, and quality assurance and quality control. Some example database services offered by E&S include the following:
- Database design and construction
- Data quality assurance/quality control
- Database protocol development
- Data analysis and interpretation
- Spatial referencing of environmental data
- Geospatial analysis