E&S Environmental Chemistry, Inc. (d.b.a. E&S Environmental), based in Corvallis, Oregon, has been conducting environmental assessments, watershed analyses, and ecological research nationwide since 1988. We specialize in geospatial, chemical, biological, and hydrological investigations that involve forests, vegetation, wildlife, water quality, air quality, and land use.
E&S has substantial expertise and experience in statistical monitoring design and implementation, water quality and flow instrumentation, nonpoint source pollution assessment, geospatial applications, watershed characterization, environmental education, and aquatic effects research.
We have worked with cities, counties, water management districts, utilities, watershed councils and private corporations on a variety of projects. We have provided research services throughout the United States for seven states, three national laboratories, and nearly all federal natural resource agencies. Please see some of our example projects or our description of services to learn more about our company.