E&S Environmental - Providing Regional and National Environmental Research and Assessment

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E&S conducted water quality sampling and analysis for cyanotoxins from reservoirs associated with the Lewis River Hydroelectric Project in Cowlitz County, WA. Sampling occurred at nine publicly accessible reservoir locations along the shorelines of either designated swim areas or areas most likely to host public access. Samples were analyzed for cyanotoxins along with microscopy to …

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In coordination with ongoing efforts to protect fish spawning habitat, E&S Environmental conducted the installation and repair of cattle exclusion fencing around portions of Spencer Creek in Klamath County, OR. E&S successfully coordinated with representatives of ODFW and NOAA to complete the project on behalf of PacifiCorp. The project is anticipated to reduce erosion and …

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In summer 2021, E&S, in collaboration with NV5 Geospatial, collected remotely sensed thermal data of the surface of the Klamath River from J.C. Boyle Dam to the headwaters of Copco Reservoir. This work identified 116 significant thermal features (STFs) in this section of the Klamath River. These STFs are mostly locations where the thermal data …

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Klamath Water Quality Monitoring 2020

E&S Environmental staff has initiated twice-monthly to monthly water quality monitoring of the Klamath River system including Copco and Iron Gate reservoirs for year 2020. E&S has conducted regular sampling in the basin for more than 20 years. We have compiled a long-term database of phosphorus, nitrogen, carbon, and microcystin concentrations; along with phytoplankton speciation/enumeration …

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Brook Trout

A scientific journal article written by E&S staff and colleagues at the U.S. Geological Survey and Syracuse University has recently been accepted for publication by the Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences. The paper, “Probabilistic relations between acid-base chemistry and fish assemblages in streams of the western Adirondack Mountains, New York, USA” (Baldigo et …

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  E&S recently completed another year of water quality monitoring on the Klamath River system in Oregon and California to track changes in cynobacteria, nutrients, and other water quality parameters. Samples are collected bi-monthly to monthly from multiple river and reservoir locations.

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E&S Environmental