E&S Environmental ran solar radiation models for determining the effects of topographic and vegetative shading on stream temperature and habitat potential for steelhead trout and coho salmon in the Garcia River Watershed, a northern California coastal river network. GIS maps indicating the seasonal extent of optimum habitat conditions were generated to convey modeling results.
E&S prepared an analysis of diffuse sources of water pollution of the Willamette River Basin (12,000 square miles) in Oregon using digital information on land use, soils, hydrography, climate, and topography.
E&S assessed watershed contributions of fecal bacteria to the Tillamook and Trask Rivers in northwestern Oregon. Potential pollutant source areas were identified by means of frequent-interval river sampling combined with GIS analysis of residential building clusters and land uses within the drainage contributing areas between sampling locations.
A project completed for the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service developed a User Requirements Analysis for integrated GIS application throughout the agency’s Pacific Region (Oregon, Washington, Idaho, Nevada, California, Hawaii). This project involved elements of staff interviewing, identification of current and future GIS requirements and candidate GIS alternatives, assessment of image analysis alternatives, risk and cost/benefit analyses, and development of GIS implementation plans for the regional headquarters and over 150 offices and refuges throughout the Pacific Region.